
Celebrate Women’s History Month

March, as Women’s History Month (WHM), is when we celebrate how women have shaped the world throughout history. WHM began in the U.S. as Women’s History Week in 1978 – activists in California with the National Women’s History Alliance (NWHA)

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What’s New In January: Adult Collections

Fiction Nonfiction Large Print Fiction

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What’s New in January: Children’s & Young Adult

Young Reader Juvenile Fiction Juvenile Nonfiction Young Adult Fiction Young Adult Nonfiction

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What’s New in January: DVDs & Audiobooks

Films Documentary Television Series Audiobook Fiction Audiobook Nonfiction

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Best of 2020

2020 has been a challenging year. Through the dips and turns, we have been proud to do our part to keep our community safe and adapt, finding new ways to connect with our patrons even when our building was shut.

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