As of January 30th, 2024, the Northeast Harbor Library is part of the Minerva consortium. Minerva is a shared library system that brings together over 60 libraries of all types from across the state. Joining Minerva has some exciting new benefits for Northeast Harbor Library patrons.
Our staff are learning this new system too, thank you for being patient with us 🙂
Requesting Items
If you find what you’re looking for when you search the catalog, you will be able to request a hold from home or by contacting the library. Items in the Northeast Harbor Library catalog will be pulled and held at the circ desk; items from another Minerva library will be requested and sent to the Northeast Harbor Library for you to pick up here.
If you see that copies are available, you can request them by selecting “Request” – if Northeast Harbor Library has a copy available, it will go to a Northeast Harbor Library patron before it goes to patrons at other libraries. To request the item, you will be prompted for your name and patron barcode (14 digits starting with 24660, located on the back of your library card.) If you do not know your patron barcode, please contact the library. When you request an item, a confirmation message will appear – you will be notified when your hold is ready for pickup.
If you are unable to find what you want in the Northeast Harbor Library or Minerva, please contact the library or email and we can do a wider search to find the item for you. We can find most items!
Reciprocal Borrowing & Physical Library Cards
With your Northeast Harbor Library Card, you can walk into another participating library and borrow items. Those items can be returned to any participating library. Not all Minerva libraries are participating in Reciprocal Borrowing; locally, Southwest Harbor Public Library and Jesup Memorial Library (Bar Harbor) are both participants. You will need to present a valid library card in good standing in order to borrow items at other libraries.
Checking Out
We have issued physical cards to over 50% of our patrons – please come in and and update your card if you haven’t yet. You will need to do so to continue using our digital services; it takes only a minute.
When you come in, we can still find you by name in our system or we can scan your library card to check out items to you. Some of our circulation rules have changed with the migration.
Books, Magazines, Audiobooks, CDs, DVDs & Blu-Rays, CD & DVD Players
21 Days
14 Days
Telescopes, Board Games
7 Days
7 Days
Museum Passes
7 Days
0 Days
Ipads, Sports Equipment
0 Days
If there are no holds for other patrons on an item, we are happy to override the hold limit let you keep the item for longer. If there are holds, we can place a hold request for you to get the next available copy of the item.
Our system will send you an item due reminder 2 days before the due date. If an item is not returned on time, it is overdue. After 5 days overdue, you will receive a first notice. After 10 days overdue, you will receive a second notice. After 20 days overdue, you will be sent a bill for an item. Once you are billed for an item, your account is blocked and you will not be able to participate in reciprocal borrowing. We do not charge overdue fees, however, for interlibrary loan items, there may be fees applied from the lending library.
We understand that life gets busy and things happen; if you are unable to return a book or pay the fees, please let us know – we want to work with you to resolve the issue. If a book is lost or damaged, we ask that you pay the cost of replacing the item. Please let us know if this is a hardship for you.
Your Account
We are able to transfer some of our patron account data to the new system – holds placed, current checkouts, etc. – however, some of it cannot migrate with us to the new system.
- Circulation History
- Lists
NEHL staff will have access to your old account data through the end of March 2024; if you would like us to export this and email it to you (or print it) we are happy to do this! After February 2024, we will not have access to this data.
In the new system, you will be able
- See your circulation history after 1/30/24 (you must log in, select “Reading History” at the bottom of the menu on the left to opt-in to this feature)
- Build preferred searches and title lists
- Receive SMS notices (patrons must opt-in for SMS notices; we recommend sticking with email)
- See current checkouts and renew items from home
- Place, suspend and cancel holds from home
To login to your account, you will need your patron barcode (14 digits starting with 24660, located on the back of your library card.) If you do not know your patron barcode, please contact the library.