Smart Studio Celebrates 50 Years! Business was different 50 years ago when Smart Studio opened in Northeast Harbor. “We opened from nine am to noon during the week, as there were very few tourists back then” according to founder Wini…
Smart Studio Celebrates 50 Years! Business was different 50 years ago when Smart Studio opened in Northeast Harbor. “We opened from nine am to noon during the week, as there were very few tourists back then” according to founder Wini…
July: NonFiction A tale of deep greed, perpetrated against the Osage Indians, who had purchased land which was hilly and rocky, to protect themselves against the western expansion. When they became rich from the oil reserves under their land, they…
July: NonFiction Northeast Harbor Library Board of Director member and political journalist Frances Fitzgerald has written another superb book (Her previous book, Fire in the Lake: The Vietnamese and the Americans in Vietnam.) This one centers on the roiling conflict…
July: Fiction This is a collection of short stories, about interconnected persons, including Lucy Barton, who appeared in her previous book. You don’t have to have read My Name is Lucy Barton however to follow the text. This is as…
July: Fiction This novel takes place in Texas, shortly after the Civil War, and concerns the attempted return of a ten year old girl to her family, after 4 years of her living with the Kiowa , who abducted her.…