October: Juvenile Fiction Pick This magical tale is set in Maine about a boy who runs away and ends up apprenticed to an evil wizard. It turns out the nemesis they are battling might be the true evil. –…
October: Juvenile Fiction Pick This magical tale is set in Maine about a boy who runs away and ends up apprenticed to an evil wizard. It turns out the nemesis they are battling might be the true evil. –…
October: Young Reader Pick A boy who admires Robinson Crusoe has an adventure of his own! This book will appeal to fans of Where the Wild things Are! – Robin A boy who loves adventure. A mysterious solo…
This month Dwight and his daughter Amy will be showing their work in the Mellon Room. There will be a reception, open to the public, on Friday, October 13, 5-7 pm. The paintings, mostly large oil and acrylics, are of…
September: NonFiction Pick Pema Chodrum is an American Buddhist, in the Tibetan Buddhist tradition. She speaks with humor and gentleness, in a contemporary voice. This book is written in short chapters. It hasseveral chapters on emotions, which I found…
September: NonFiction Pick Washington Post reporter, Souad Mekhannet has written a fascinating memoir . Born in Moracco and raised in Germany, she has had to balance the two sides of her upbringing and has sought to provide a mediating voice…