
April: Block Prints and Painted Cloths, Surface Designed Textiles

Looking for color?  The Northeast Harbor Library has an exhibit on display for the month of April full of color.   Block Prints and Painted cloths, Surface Designed Textiles is an exhibit curated by staff member Judith Blank, in part to

Posted in Exhibits

NONFIC: The Escape Artists: A Band of Daredevil Pilots and the Greatest Prison Break of the Great War by Neal Bascomb

March: NonFiction Pick This is a book that almost reads like fiction.  It takes place during WWII and is about RAF pilots who are as young as 19. Drawing on never before seen memoirs and letter, the author  brings this

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NONFIC: Land of Lost Borders: A Journey on the Silk Road by Kate Harris

March: NonFiction Pick Kate Harris is an explorer, a person who grew up wanting to go to Mars.  This book is a record of a bicycle trip she and a childhood friend made following the Silk Road, from Turkey, across

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FIC: Elmet by Fiona Mozley

March: Fiction Pick This book  was a finalist for the Man Booker Prize. It’s about a family who thought that the little house that they built in Elmet, a corner of Yorkshire, ensured that their life was peaceful and they

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FIC: Learning to See by Elise Hooper

March: Fiction Pick This is a novel based on the life of Dorothea Lange, the woman photographer who gave the dust bowl and the depression it’s most famous images.  Her mother, as a social worker single mother, had taken her

Posted in What's new

Northeast Harbor Library
1 Joy Road, PO Box 279
Northeast Harbor, Maine 04662

(207) 276-3333