
March Exhibit: Women’s History Month

Thank you to the artists who submitted work to our Women’s History exhibit! For more information, see https://nehlibrary.org/womens-history/

Posted in Exhibits

NEHL Statement on IMLS

As you may have heard, the Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS), the only federal agency dedicated to libraries, has recently been targeted for elimination, and future federal funding for libraries is in doubt. While NEHL is mostly privately

Posted in Announcements

January Exhibit: MDES Student Art

We are pleased to welcome the students of Mount Desert Elementary to exhibit art work in the Mellon Room for the month of January! Stop by to view art from each each grade level any time the library is open,

Posted in Exhibits

December Exhibit: A Winter Walk Through the Gardens

The Northeast Harbor Library is pleased to host a unique art exhibition featuring artwork inspired by the beautiful gardens of the Land & Garden Preserve! This special exhibition in collaboration with Bar Harbor Historical Society showcases pieces created this summer as part

Posted in Exhibits

November Exhibit: Katie Churchill & George Sanker

Join Friends of Acadia for an art exhibit opening this Thursday, November 7 from 5:00 – 7:00 p.m. at the Northeast Harbor Library. The exhibit will feature art by painter Katie Churchill and wildlife photographer George Sanker. A portion of the

Posted in Exhibits

Northeast Harbor Library
1 Joy Road, PO Box 279
Northeast Harbor, Maine 04662

(207) 276-3333