April Exhibit: Beth Lambert and Linden O’Ryan

April 15 exhibitThe Northeast Harbor Library will be showing paintings by Linden O’Ryan and Beth Lambert from April 1-30, 2015.  There will be a reception on Sunday, April 12 from 3-5 with music and appetizers.

image - lambertLinden O’Ryan lived the first 30 years of her life traveling and living in various places in the United States, the Philippines, Japan and Norway.  In the next 30 years  of her life she lived  in Southwest Harbor raising three children and becoming involved in exploring the creative arts in dance, collage, watercolors and writing. All of these self-exploring experiences have been the foundation of her current work exhibited in the show.

Beth Lambert is a Manset plein air artist who has enjoyed painting the Maine Coast for over 25 years.  She exhibits her work in Ellsworth, Bangor, Portland and most recently at her own studio gallery on the Seawall Road.  Over 20 of her paintings can be seen at the Northeast Harbor library Show.

Posted in Exhibits

Northeast Harbor Library
1 Joy Road, PO Box 279
Northeast Harbor, Maine 04662

(207) 276-3333