
What’s New in April: DVDs & Audiobooks

You can find more information about these items by searching our catalog. Films Family Film Television Series Documentaries Audiobooks Young Adult Audiobooks Juvenile Audiobooks

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Asian and Pacific Islander Heritage Month

May is Asian Pacific Heritage month, celebrating the history of Asian-Americans and Pacific Islander – Americans. Here are some book and movie recommendations featuring Asian, Pacific-Island and mixed heritage stories. [Links to come!] FILMS Films by Bong Joon-ho Parasite (2019)

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What’s New in March: Adult Collections

You can find more information about these titles by searching our catalog! Fiction Nonfiction Large Print Fiction Large Print Nonfiction

Posted in What's new

What’s New In March: DVD & Audiobooks

You can find more information about these titles by searching our catalog! Films Family Films Television Series Documentaries Audiobook Fiction Audiobook Nonfiction Young Adult Audiobook

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What’s New in March: Children’s & Young Adult

You can find more information about these titles by searching our catalog! Young Reader Juvenile Fiction Juveniles Nonfiction Young Adult Fiction Young Adult Nonfiction Parenting

Posted in What's new