November Exhibit: ArtWaves

There will be an ArtWaves Exhibit at the Northeast Harbor Library during the month of November. Viewers will be interested in knowing that the show has two parts: a visual arts exhibit by ArtWaves member artists (watercolor, oil, acrylic, batik) and a display of the Fired Up! sculptures addressing the theme of Domestic Abuse that were developed by community members and raku fired at ArtWaves on October 23rd.

ArtWaves member artists who will have works on display, many for sale, include:

Laura Neal, Susan Beallor Snyder, Liz Cutler, Brian Caine, Thor Recherche, Rick Osann, Gloria Avner, and Vicky Smith.

The Fired Up! project was facilitated by ArtWaves to continue public awareness of domestic abuse and is a follow up to the Finding Our Voices 2020 summer banner exhibit. Community members who were interested in participating picked up clay and sculpted images in response to the following prompt: “Create a piece at home that speaks to the issue. It can be an object to acknowledge and comfort or be more graphically emotional.” Community members (listed below) developed and returned pieces for the exhibit. These were bisqued, glazed and fired in an outdoor communal firing at ArtWaves on October 23rd. The Fired Up project was made possible by a grant from the Maine Arts & Humanities Commission.

Community members who created pieces for Fired Up!:

Emily Garland, Lora Lunt, Kate Pickup McMullen, Teri Gerson, Sara Marquis, Celeste Orr, Malachi Orr, Kim Nadal, Shreya Vinodh, Liz Cutler, Toni Wolfe, Kelly Merado, Molly McEntee, Julie Meltzer

For more information about this show, please email Toni Wolfe at or leave a message on the ArtWaves phone: 207-266-0010 and Toni will return your call. If you are making a special trip to see the exhibit, please check the library’s calendar at or call the library at 207 276 3333 to confirm that the room is available at the time of your visit.

Posted in Exhibits

Northeast Harbor Library
1 Joy Road, PO Box 279
Northeast Harbor, Maine 04662

(207) 276-3333