As you may have heard, the Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS), the only federal agency dedicated to libraries, has recently been targeted for elimination, and future federal funding for libraries is in doubt. While NEHL is mostly privately funded and receives no direct federal support, the state of Maine receives about $1.5 million in federal funds that support statewide infrastructure, including interlibrary loan, ebooks and other digital services, and important consulting services. Federal funding cuts will weaken supports for libraries statewide, and the Northeast Harbor Library Board of Directors encourages our library patrons to stay informed and speak up in support of libraries. For more information, see the Maine Library Association statement and guidance from the American Library Association, including a contact form to give feedback to Congressional representatives. Thank you!
Read more →Thank you to the artists who submitted work to our Women’s History exhibit! For more information, see
Read more →Monday through Friday: 9-6 Saturday: 9-5 (9-3 Dec - Mar) Closed Sundays & Holidays Booksale Monday through Saturday: 10-4 (June - September) Located in basement.
Northeast Harbor Library
1 Joy Road, PO Box 279
Northeast Harbor, Maine 04662
(207) 276-3333
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